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Melissa Midwest Arrested Again!

Open Dedicated Watch Page For Video

Melissa Midwest Arrested Ticket

I am not sure if all of you remember or not but a couple years ago I was arrested for public nudity because of some pictures the police found on my website! It ended up going world wide and helped me get noticed as one of the web girl’s lol. Now as great as the coverage was it was a pain in the ass also. So from that day forward I have made sure here in the Bible belt Lincoln, Nebraska to follow the laws and rules as stupid as they might be. It’s of course hard at times because the police follow me around attending all my public events but until now everything has been fine. I guess they decided the latex I used to cover my boobs at my last event was not good enough and they came to my home around noon today. I was able to read the police report and it said something like the color I chose to cover myself with was too close to my skin color now I know this is crap. I have read all the city laws and what I was doing is not against the law at all. I am sure they just decided to try and bust me. Anyways, I have included my ticket becasue I am sure a ton of you won’t even believe this could happen and a picture from that night so you can be the judge and let me know what you think. Thanks, Melissa

Melissa Midwest Offending Photo
Doesn’t the city of Lincoln, Nebraska have anything better to do than to bust Melissa for flashing a latex nipple? If I lived in the Lancaster County the least of my worries would be a nipple flash. I see this as a waste of tax payers’ money and someone’s obsession with Melissa. Who can be obsessed with Melissa? The religious right, the prosecutor, the police chief, the mayor, shouldn’t they be fighting real crime(crime stats for Lincoln, NB). The kinda of crime that causes immediate danger then the one that is muddled in opinions of what is obscene. Is there any studies of latex or even real nipples that have caused immediate danger to the community? Don’t the people of Nebraska have real issues to deal with like the “Gay Marriage Amendment“?

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