The Real Reason Why Some Guys Always Succeed at Websites Offering To Find Sex Online

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The interesting thing about guys and online anonymous sex finder dating sites is that ultimately, a lot of them are very sexually territorial. Now, we talk a big game, okay? Let’s just cut out the bullshit. We’d like to say that we’re mentally liberated. We’d like to say that our morals are contemporary and we basically don’t mind banging a chick you met here and she ends up banging other guys. It’s like water off a duck’s back. It’s no big deal.

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Well, that’s the kind of story we tell ourselves and it’s a nice personal narrative, but ultimately, it’s a lie. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it. It’s a fiction because ultimately, the human male sexual persona, if you may, is hardwired. It’s shaped by millennia of selective breeding. It’s not one of those things that you can easily cast aside because hey, you joined a website where you get to fuck for free so you better get with the program. It’s not that easy.

You have to understand that hot girl fucking or hot women fucking other guys ultimately cuts close to home. It’s too close for comfort because a wide range of emotions, like a sense of abandonment, a sense of territoriality, or a sense of property even, kick in.

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You don’t want it to, you’d rather not acknowledge it, but it’s still there. And this, ultimately, creates a war within you and it gets in the way. You start exhibiting all sorts of mental and emotional symptoms and you can’t quite put your finger on it. That’s how it plays out. And this is why it’s a really good idea to get real with yourself.

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If you have a tough time having sex with women only to see these hot women fucking other guys, then maybe you need to change your assumptions. Maybe you need to find other types of chicks. Do you see how this works? Because if there’s any sense of territoriality, exclusivity or emotional ownership, then the problem is with you.

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I know this is bad news. I know this is news that you’d rather not hear, but yes, the problem is with you, not with your partner, not with the website. They have nothing to do with the issues that you have. You’re just the wrong person at the wrong place. So maybe you either change your mindset, or you find a better spot and change what you’re looking for.

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