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Key Signs of Truly Useful Sites That Help You Find Fuckfriends

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Fuckfriends are actually quite hard to find. If you don’t mind losing your friends, and I’m talking about your real friends here, then you can turn them into fuckfriends with the help of this site. But I’m telling you right now, that’s a sure-fire recipe for losing people that you have a great platonic relationship with.

Photo Jan 14 6 17 43 Pm

There’s a lot to miss with great friendship. It’s nice to have somebody around who actually supports you and tries to truly understand you for who you are. They accept you for who you are. That’s how awesome friends are. They don’t try to judge you, they don’t try to remake you, they don’t try to impose some sort of template or some other bullshit on you. They just accept and appreciate you for who you are.

Photo Jan 11 5 44 47 Pm

In fact, in many cases, a lot of the things that a lot of people find objectionable about you are precisely what drew your real friends to you. The way you pick your nose, the way you share offensive opinions, and the way you’re kind of a bull-headed asshole. These are the things that, believe it or not, draw real friends to you because they like you for who you are. And it really would be a shame if you try to convert these real friends into fuck friends.


Now, you might think that this is a great thing because hey, what’s more, awesome than friends with benefits? But that’s really short-sighted thinking because ultimately, you will miss the friendship. And the sex, you can find that elsewhere.


This is why it’s really important to look for websites that hook you up with fuck friends. These are people who would become friends with you, but at the same time, you would have sex. And the great thing about this is that the friendship is limited, so it doesn’t cut close to home.

Photo Mar 22 8 10 11 Pm


So how can you tell if a website is legit from a website that is just full of shit? Well, it’s actually pretty straightforward. First, if they use profiles of porn stars that you recognize, that is probably a fake site. Get the fuck out of there. Second, if the website that you joined starts sending you all sorts of automated messages before you even sit down and write a profile, there’s a high chance that that website is fake.


And finally, if the website asks you for some sort of money or keeps blasting ads at you, it’s probably a highly commercial site. Now, this in and of itself, does not necessarily mean it’s not legit, but all those ads definitely add up and it probably gets in the way of you hooking up. So skip those websites.

Photo Sep 20 7 16 00 Pm 1

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