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Monique’s Camel Toe

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Monique Camel Toe

I asked Monique to write a little about her experience with Alex and I[Cezar]. MMMMM…… It s hard to type for me right now. I’m still quivering from my camel toe to my toes and finger tips! So I was just bored ,checking out South Beach, waiting for my Floridian friend to get off work so we can bar hop and scope some local camel dick. lol. Cumming out of a pharmacy, I was approached by Alex, tall, light and handsome. He diverted all his attention to me and I noticed him staring at my pussy, and made me all moist and HOT!! He offered me soda, I agreed then he switched to food ,specifacly soup. Camel toe soup to be exact. I knew what he was getting at, but acted like I didn’t understand. When we got up to his place, he made me cumfortable, even with camera guy in the room. He sat me down and started to tug and pull at my shorts just above my camel toe. Holy shit ,was I getting worked up! I told him I was hungry ,and he stood up ,drew me close and pulled out his huge dick. I shoved it in my eager mouth ,and sucked as hard and deep as I could. after throating him for awhile, he did the unexpected, pulled my shorts down ,licked my clit and eat my pussy! Just when it was too much for me to handle ,he stood up spread my legs wide ,and fucked my pussy hard. Then he pulled out and flipped me over, I stuck my little ass out, and he took me again after I thought I could barely handle another orgasm, He stood up and shot his cum in my mouth and all over my face, ooohhhh!!!! I can’t wait to tell my NY girls about South Beach.

Camel toe girls are cool! They just love their pussies and love showing them off!

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